Saturday, April 19, 2008


Sometimes abbreviated as 'puter, a computer is an electronic device that allows you to input data and have it stored, processed, or otherwise manipulated quickly and efficiently. Computers help make jobs that used to be complicated much simpler. For example, a user can easily write letters in a word processor and edit any portion of the letter anytime, spell check the letter, move text from another document into the letter, etc.
The first computer was called the ENIAC, which was built during World War II. Computers first utilized vacuum tubes and were very large (sometimes room size) and only found in businesses, schools, or governments. Later, computers began utilizing transistors as well as smaller and cheaper parts that allowed the common person to own their own computer. This history of computers and related topics can be found on our history page.
Today, most computers are often comprised with some or all of the below components.

  • Case or Chassis
  • CD-ROM, CD-R,
  • CPU
  • DVD
  • Floppy disk drive
  • Hard disk drive
  • Keyboard
  • Memory
  • Microphone
  • Monitor, LCD,
  • Motherboard
  • Mouse
  • Printer
  • Sound card
  • Speakers
  • Video card

Types of computers:
There are several types of computers, below is a listing of some of the major types of computers you're most likely to encounter.
  • Embedded computers - The most commonly found and used computer. An embedded computer is a computer with a specific function found in such things as cars, microwaves, TVs, the VCR, and other home electronics.
  • Personal computer - As shown above the personal computer is the most widely used computer today and most likely what you're using now. Personal computers are available in two different brands IBM compatible (often referred to as PC) and Apple Macintosh computers.
  • Laptop / Portable computer - Another commonly used computer, a laptop or portable computer is a small computer that users can easily carry around and work with when on the road or elsewhere.
  • Server - A powerful computer that is often set aside to perform a specific task. For example, a web server is one or more computers responsible for handling the data for a website and the users visiting it.
  • Mainframe or Supercomputer - Often large computers or a collection of smaller computers working as a large computer to perform extremely complicated tasks such as receiving and displaying and understanding weather patterns.


Mathematics Content Areas for student
The committee identified four major content areas. The original statement from the committee was a bit more terse, but we now identify the four areas as follows:
  1. 1.Logic, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving: Students should learn skills that will enable them to construct a logical argument based on rules of inference and to develop strategies for solving quantitative problems.
  2. 2.Number Sense and Estimation: Students should become "numerate," or able to make sense of the numbers that confront them in the modern world. For example, students should be able to give meaning to a billion dollars, and distinguish it from a million dollars or a trillion dollars. Part of developing such number sense involves making simple calculations or estimates to put numbers in perspective. As a simple example, a student should be able to quickly figure out that a star athlete earning $10 million per year earns about 400 times more than the average American.
  3. 3.Statistical Interpretation and Basic Probability: Reports about statistical research (for example, concerning diet or disease) are ubiquitous in the news. Students must have the stools needed to interpret this research. Note the emphasis on interpretation. While it is certainly useful to show students how to calculate a mean, a standard deviation, or a margin of error, our non-SEM students will rarely perform such calculations once they leave our course. But they will encounter such statistics in the news, and we must equip them to interpret these statistics critically. Because statistical interpretation involves inference from samples to populations, it also requires a basic understanding of probability. This study of probability can then be easily extended to relevant topics including lotteries, casino gambling, risk assessment, and disease and drug testing.
  4. 4.Interpreting Graphs and Models: Graphical displays of numbers abound in modern media, so learning how to create and interpret graphs is clearly important. Though it is a bit less obvious, an understanding of modeling is equally important, because many major issues today (such as economic or environmental issues) are studied through mathematical models. While we do not expect non-SEM students to create sophisticated mathematical models, we must teach them how to interpret what they read or hear about models. For example, they should know enough to question the assumptions of a model before accepting its predictions, and they should understand the difference between linear and exponential growth. We group graphing and modeling together because we have found that one of the easiest ways to teach students about modeling is by presenting graphs as simple mathematical models.


Math is logical and computer is a part of logical who development humans